Is This A Man’s World? Ways To Thrive In A Male-Dominated Industry



Let’s get real for a moment, Beyoncé’s “Run the World” song was catchy but not exactly accurate when it comes to gender equality. Not only do we earn less but find it difficult to break certain corporate ceilings. I’m always happy to hear about success stories and women blazing their own path. It inspires me to find new ways to make a splash in my industry. Then again, my profession is pretty female-dominant.

Certain industries lack a strong female presence while others are plentiful. Male-dominated professions can be intimidating to the point of being uncomfortable. The absence of other women could very well turn off potential employees from making the attempt to shine.

Don’t let it dim your light.

Here are a few pointers on how to thrive in a male-dominated industry.

Play on your strengths. Every professional needs to know what they bring to the table. Your strengths can be a gateway to future opportunities so long as you know how to work them. Note: Try to find unique areas where you excel. The more you’re able to separate yourself from your competition the better.

Know your weaknesses. Don’t act surprised if and when your colleagues come for you. Some might even consider being a woman a weakness. Take away your hater’s power by identifying areas you lack and turning them into opportunities for growth. At the end of the day, none of us are perfect. It’s okay to make improvements as they’ll only make you a stronger professional.

Step up to the plate. Don’t let being one of the only women stop you from making moves. If men aren’t comfortable taking advice or direction from a woman, that’s their problem. Say yes to new opportunities that come your way. Even if you need to fight to the death for them, have a willingness to step up to the plate.

Be ready for opposition and criticism. As with your weaknesses, it’s important to stay one step ahead. Whether working on a project or leading a task, do your best to anticipate opposition. What are some things naysayers would point out? What will draw the biggest criticism? The more you prepare for blow back , the stronger you can make your pitch or presentation.

Speak up and stay visible. Don’t let anyone dull your shine. If you have a good idea, present it. Allow yourself to be heard and speak with confidence. It’s also a good idea to stay visible around the office. Attend different meetings (it’s always good to learn something new) and company mixers. Do your best to socialize and remain visible.

Regardless of how you deal with working in a male-dominated industry, don’t limit yourself. There will be far too many people trying to do that for you. You can succeed and are just as good as the men in your office. Sure most won’t or don’t want to understand the demands women experience — both in and out of the office — but that’s okay. Try your best to keep calm and your emotions in order so you don’t play into anyone’s hands.

What advice do you have for women navigating male-dominated workplaces?