Did Brian Williams’ ‘Today’ Show Interview Help?: Making A Professional Comeback After Lying

Now that we have word of NBC’s plans for both Lester Holt and Brian Williams, it’s time for Williams to take to the airwaves in the hopes of rebuilding his career and reputation. Once the face of NBC News — smart, trusted, a leading voice for good journalism, and a good sport known for making a pit stop on the set of Jimmy Fallon’s late night show to slow jam the news — he’s now been pushed to MSNBC to start from scratch.
This morning, the Today show aired an interview taped over two days between Williams and Matt Lauer. Prefaced with Lauer’s note that there were “no conditions or guidelines” placed on the interview, he went about asking Williams direct questions about why he lied and what he learned from the humiliating experience of being caught and suspended.
By way of explaning the embellishments he made to his experiences covering big stories, Williams said, “It had to be ego that had to make me sharper, funnier, quicker than anybody else.”
In that, Williams is not alone. Professionally speaking, there are only a few reasons why someone lies: to cover their a$$ after making a mistake, to play hooky, or to seem better and more important than they actually are. Williams’ reason falls squarely in the option three category.
For Williams, this is especially egregious. The facts are (supposed to be) at the heart of what journalists do. To that, Williams said, “I am sorry for what happened here… And I expect to be held to a different standard.”
In fact, for anyone in a position of authority, be it a manager or a high-level executive, there’s the expectation that this person is a leader in not just skill but rising to a certain level of integrity. Which is what makes getting snagged all the more embarrassing and cringeworthy.
The jury is still out on whether Williams is on the path to redemption. He’ll likely never rise to the status he once held. But holding a place at MSNBC, at the very least, leaves the door open for him to make segment appearances on NBC and slowly work himself back onto some top-level stories.
For the rest of us, the road back is a little easier and a little harder at the same time. Easier because we don’t have the glare of the media spotlight to answer to. Harder because it’s Williams’ fame that can also soften negative reactions from the bosses.
The first step, however, is a proper apology. The tail end of that interview has a good example of what an apology should sound like. There’s an admission of wrongdoing, what sounds like genuine contrition, and strong statements about his soul-searching and the changes he’s going to make going forward.
You must say the words, “I’m sorry.” You’ve heard the fake apologies on reality TV where the person has a million excuses for what they did and starts pointing out what others did — the mitigating factors — that prompted the bad behavior. Nope. That’s not an apology. That’s a concession. It’s meant to make the apologizing party sound like they’re taking the high road rather than admitting guilt. An apology is both taking responsibility and accepting the repercussions that come with wrongdoing.
Next, you have to be patient. Don’t expect to be brought back into the fold like nothing happened right away. You have to earn your good reputation again.
Finally, you have to do the work and act with integrity. If you’re given a second chance you have to prove why you’re deserving of it.
Really, there should be no lying to begin with. Be honest about all of your accomplishments (Claim them ladies! No need to wait to be acknowledged all the time!), but also be forthcoming about the errors and shortcomings. You’re human. And in the end, demonstrating that you know how to get the job done even when you’re working outside your area of expertise is a sign of just how fantastic you really are.

Dear White People, Stop Having These Phony Conversations About Race

black fatigue

This week has been filled with raw emotion and passionate dialog around the topic of race in America.

No, I am not talking about the terrorist attack in Charleston, South Carolina, where a White man ambushed and killed nine Black parishioners while in Bible study at the historic Emanuel AME Church – although I will get to that later.

I’m talking about Rachel Dolezal.

In particular, I am talking about spending an entire week caught up in debates and discussions with mostly White people about how they think it is possible for Dolezal to be Black.

There is something about that woman that has awakened the curiosity in White America. In particular, liberal White people who all of a sudden believe that Rachel Imitation of Black Life Dolezal has added something new and of value to how we see and feel about race. I have spent the majority of my time on social media up to my eyeballs in comments and responding to questions from alleged White allies who I forgot were even in my social media network. A few of these conversations about race have been hostile, but, for the most part, most of these discussions have been cordial and respectful. Still, the grand majority of opinions have been contrarian to my own. They also have been contrary to the assertion of many Black people who say that the fake hair, self-tan and an affinity for chicken wings drizzled in hot sauce does not make you Black. I heard things from my so-called non-racist white friends like, “But you know that race is a social construct…,” and “Well, you know we are all from Africa anyway so…,” and my personal favorite, “What is Blackness anyway?”

I don’t want to rehash any of those debates here, so I’ll just keep it short and say that what Blackness isn’t is a cultural costume that one can put on whenever they so please. There are serious historical, political and economic implications attached to this identity, which those of us born Black have no say in picking and choosing. And although race is indeed a social construct, it is not Blackness that needs to be deconstructed, expanded and eliminated, but rather, whiteness. It is the primary construct that keeps all others from true self-determination.

I will admit that the grand majority of these debates have been a great exchange of ideas, as well as an excellent way to fine-tune my positions about critical race theory. But imagine my dismay when on Thursday morning, while the entire Black community mourned the deaths of the Emanuel nine through tears and angry Facebook and Twitter posts, the voices of my White liberal “We are all part of the human race” allies were nowhere to be found. The same folks who held me hostage on social media for days with debates about the alleged “complexities” of race in America suddenly had nothing to say. I am talking not a single status update, not a single comment expressing their anger at these senseless racialized murders, not even a single offer of condolences could be found. And out of all the public conversations around race that occurred this week, their silence – right now when it counts – is what I am most pissed about. White people who like to talk about the realities of race and racism often become deaf and dumb mutes whenever something happens, which shows just how real race is in this country.

But don’t take it from me, white people. Listen to what Tim Wise, your fellow socially constructed white person, said in his piece “Mimicry is Not Solidarity: Rachel Dolezal and the Creation of Antiracist White Identity” about your half-ass solidarity:

There is a lesson here for us, for we who are white and care deeply about racial equity, justice and liberation, and the lesson is this: authentic antiracist white identity is what we must cultivate. We cannot shed our skin, nor our privileges like an outdated overcoat. They are not accessories to be donned or not as one pleases, but rather, persistent reminders of the society that is not yet real, which is why we must work with people of color to overturn the system that bestows those privileges. But the key word here is with people of color, not as them. We must be willing to do the difficult work of finding a different way to live in this skin.

That difficult work means using your voices, and more importantly, your privilege, to confront your brethren about the realities of race and racism in America. It also means being vocal about the violence, both institutionalized and individual, committed against Black people even when the event is personally painful and shameful to your racial identity. What that difficult work does not entail is engaging in trivial debates with Black people over how we choose our self-determination, or using whatever window of opportunity presents itself to recuse yourself from the white guilt you are feeling.

So yeah, white people, I would appreciate it if you all would stop that.


Bow Wow Talks Settling Down With Erica Mena: “I Could Have Easily Been The Black Hugh Hefner”



Most were shocked to learn of Bow Wow and Erica Mena‘s engagement last fall. Their relationship seemed to come completely out of left field, but the celebrity couple’s situation lasted longer than many people expected and according to the duo, they still plan on tying the knot.

The rapper is only 28, but he reasons that because he has been in entertainment for so long, he is actually “40 years old” in industry years. For this reason, he says that he’s sure he is ready to settle down.

He tells Rolling Out:

“I could have easily been the Black Hugh Hefner. Erica would be the first to tell you that “Bow is Bow.” I still uphold that young, flashy, on-the-scene lifestyle. That’s never going to leave. But for me, I just follow life and life just hit me differently this time. With me starting at 5, I might be 28, but really I’m 40 years old in entertainment years. So when people are asking why I’m slowing down, the truth is, I’ve had everything. There isn’t a woman that has ever been on camera, ever been interviewed, or ever been on the red carpet that I haven’t been in contact with. So, I’m done with all of that. They say you’re supposed to get it out and live your life. At this point in my life, all of that is boring, and that was when I knew it was time … it just felt right for me and Erica to take that step.”

The CSI: Cyber actor when on to say that his 4-year-old daughter, Shai, also influenced his decision.

“Also, I wanted to focus on being the best father that I could be, because my father definitely wasn’t a good father. I want to have time for [my daughter] whenever she needs me. So all of this works together to allow me to have some stability in my life so I can focus on what I need to do.”

He also shared that having daughter has made him “more respectful” towards women.

“I’m more respectful now. Looking at my little girl, I really have tunnel vision. How could I ever let her down? She’s my best friend, and I’ve been waiting for her to finally get to this age [4 years old]. Now, she can come to work with me and just be chilling. I love it.”


Is This A Man’s World? Ways To Thrive In A Male-Dominated Industry



Let’s get real for a moment, Beyoncé’s “Run the World” song was catchy but not exactly accurate when it comes to gender equality. Not only do we earn less but find it difficult to break certain corporate ceilings. I’m always happy to hear about success stories and women blazing their own path. It inspires me to find new ways to make a splash in my industry. Then again, my profession is pretty female-dominant.

Certain industries lack a strong female presence while others are plentiful. Male-dominated professions can be intimidating to the point of being uncomfortable. The absence of other women could very well turn off potential employees from making the attempt to shine.

Don’t let it dim your light.

Here are a few pointers on how to thrive in a male-dominated industry.

Play on your strengths. Every professional needs to know what they bring to the table. Your strengths can be a gateway to future opportunities so long as you know how to work them. Note: Try to find unique areas where you excel. The more you’re able to separate yourself from your competition the better.

Know your weaknesses. Don’t act surprised if and when your colleagues come for you. Some might even consider being a woman a weakness. Take away your hater’s power by identifying areas you lack and turning them into opportunities for growth. At the end of the day, none of us are perfect. It’s okay to make improvements as they’ll only make you a stronger professional.

Step up to the plate. Don’t let being one of the only women stop you from making moves. If men aren’t comfortable taking advice or direction from a woman, that’s their problem. Say yes to new opportunities that come your way. Even if you need to fight to the death for them, have a willingness to step up to the plate.

Be ready for opposition and criticism. As with your weaknesses, it’s important to stay one step ahead. Whether working on a project or leading a task, do your best to anticipate opposition. What are some things naysayers would point out? What will draw the biggest criticism? The more you prepare for blow back , the stronger you can make your pitch or presentation.

Speak up and stay visible. Don’t let anyone dull your shine. If you have a good idea, present it. Allow yourself to be heard and speak with confidence. It’s also a good idea to stay visible around the office. Attend different meetings (it’s always good to learn something new) and company mixers. Do your best to socialize and remain visible.

Regardless of how you deal with working in a male-dominated industry, don’t limit yourself. There will be far too many people trying to do that for you. You can succeed and are just as good as the men in your office. Sure most won’t or don’t want to understand the demands women experience — both in and out of the office — but that’s okay. Try your best to keep calm and your emotions in order so you don’t play into anyone’s hands.

What advice do you have for women navigating male-dominated workplaces?

Dylann Roof “Almost Didn’t Go Through With It” Because Everyone Was So Nice To Him


charleston shooting victims feat

While facts and every indiscretion of Black victims are released within hours of their deaths, information about 21 year old Dylann Roof is trickling in slowly.

Today, NBC News reported that not only did Roof confess to killing those nine people in Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, he also told police he “almost didn’t go through with it because everyone was so nice to him.” 

Instead, he did go through with a plan he had been hatching for at least six months.

Roof’s former roommate Dalton Tyler told ABC News he had been planning and discussing his act of terror for the majority of the time they’d known each other.

Tyler said he had known Roof for seven months to a year and had just seen him last week.

“He was big into segregation and other stuff. He said he wanted to start a civil war. He said he was going to do something like that and then kill himself.” 

Tyler said he met Roof through a good friend. He also said that Dylann was “on and off” with his parents but they had purchased a gun for him in the past. Many of you may have heard the reports that Dylann’s father gave him the handgun for his 21st birthday this past April.

Tyler said that though his father purchased the gun, he was never allowed to take it with him until this past week.

If I were Tyler I would be too disgusted with himself to be speaking to the media. For six months, half a year, he knew, even if he didn’t believe he’d go through with it, that his roommate was planning this heinous crime and he never reached out to the authorities.

15 Black TV Dads Who Always Kept It 100

Daddy Pope


Parenthood is not all sunshine and lollipops. Sometimes, you have to come correct and keep it trill with the kids. Good cop, bad cop. As Father’s Day approaches, we take a look at Black TV dads who did not mess around and faithfully kept it 100 with their offspring. And in case you missed the trill TV moms edition we did for Mother’s Day, you can check it out here.

Woman Dies In Collision While Chasing Her Husband, Who Was In A Car With Another Woman


ABC 13

A Houston woman died following a car accident that appears to have stemmed from a love triangle involving her husband and another woman.

According to ABC 13, the victim struck another vehicle head-on Thursday afternoon as she was speeding down the 13000 block of Wallisville Road in northeast Houston. She apparently lost control of her car.

Relatives at the scene of the accident say that she was pursuing her husband after spotting him in his vehicle with a female companion. Sadly, the woman died at the scene. The man in the vehicle she struck was transported to a local hospital where he is being treated for various injuries. The woman’s husband and his companion were not injured.

We send our prayers all who have been affected by this terrible tragedy.

Ready To Buy A Home? The Best Ways To Save For A Down Payment



Buying a home in many circles is considered the American dream. You own a piece of property and no longer have to pay anyone else rent and associated living fees (unless you buy a condo or co-op).

My husband and I are currently saving for a home of our own. While this isn’t his first time, I’m very excited to put my name on an acre or two. Over the next few years we plan to save 20 percent for a down payment on a home. Even though the total figure looks high on paper (well, it is), with the proper planning, we will hopefully meet our goal.

Anytime you embark on a hefty financial adventure, it’s important to stay committed. Yes life will deal you unexpected blows, but ultimately you must keep the end result at the forefront of your mind. Here are some ways to save for a down payment.

Reduce your debt. I’m sure you’ve heard this time and time again, but it’s very important. You’ll find it difficult to meet the necessary savings requirement if you’re paying out to others. Take the time to tackle your financial obligations. While student loans might take a little longer, credit card debt and other IOUs need to go sooner than later. Don’t put off what you can pay today. And add a little extra when you can.

Bank extra money. Tax refunds, bonuses and other types of additional income need to go in the bank. As much as you want to spend it, you must do everything to resist temptation. The more you can put towards your down payment the faster you’ll get to your goals. Tip: If you receive a bump in pay save that amount. There’s no need to add to your monthly expenses.

Challenge yourself to save a little more. I love eating out like the next person but know how quickly it adds up. As much as I complain about how I wish I had more, I challenge myself to save. Whether it be $100 a month or a certain amount every three months, it’s good to up the savings ante. My husband and I committed ourselves to the 52-week money challenge that will add close to $2,800 a year (combined) to our savings. Every little bit helps.

Look for the best return. Sometimes your average savings account isn’t the best place to stash your cash. Neither is your mattress but you get the idea. Things like a high-yield savings account can help pad your down payment. Another option are CDs (certificates of deposit) that you can reinvest money into once it matures. Those who wish to invest (e.g. stocks, mutual funds, ETFs) should speak to a financial adviser. You’ll want to hold on to those investments for some time in order to avoid short-term capital gains tax.

Regardless of what avenue you take, it’s important to make the commitment. So many people have good intentions when it comes to achieving money goals, but allow them to fall through the cracks. If you’re able to stay committed, do it. You’ll be able to realize your dreams of home ownership sooner rather than later.

Surprising Health Benefits Of The Big-O

benefits of orgasms


Are you guilty of not reaching orgasm during sex? You know, you don’t want to be too demanding, so you let your partner do his thing and you just pretend to get off…Stop doing that! You’re not just missing out on a few minutes of physical bliss; you could be missing out on years of physical health! Here are surprising health benefits of orgasms.

Man Charged With Attempted Murder Of George Zimmerman

George Zimmerman

Corbis Images

Matthew Apperson was charged with second-degree attempted murder Thursday, CNN reports.

Apperson is accused of shooting into George Zimmerman‘s car on May 11 as Zimmerman was driving down a street in Lake Mary, Florida. A bullet passed through the car window on the passenger side of Zimmerman’s vehicle, narrowly missing him.

“Our law enforcement community and the State Attorney’s Office works vigorously to ensure people may travel our busy streets, going about their business, without fear. Every resident and visitor to Seminole County deserves this freedom,” said State Attorney Phil Archer.

Apperson’s attorney Michael LaFay maintains that his client was only defending himself against Zimmerman, whom Apperson claims pointed a gun at him. Apperson also insists that Zimmerman threatened during a previous road rage incident. Apperson is also facing charges of shooting into an occupied vehicle and aggravated assault with a firearm.

“My reaction to these charges is a pronounced shrug,” said LaFay. “I’ve reviewed the charges, and they don’t change the facts. The prosecutors have put their heads together and tried to contemplate what could be the most serious charges, but that doesn’t really change anything. This is a case of self-defense.”

Zimmerman’s legal team is arguing that Apperson became fixated on the 31-year-old after he was acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in 2013.

Let’s see if the justice system works for him.

Follow Jazmine on Twitter @JazmineDenise

Nothing Was The Same: My Best Friend Wants To Be My Bae And I’m Scared



Subtle flirtations were the first things I noticed. I determined that the random booty grabs and slick pickup lines were nothing more than funny figments of my imagination. I mean, this was coming from my best friend after all, not some guy I’d swiped right on Tinder or picked up late night in a club. No. This guy knows me almost as well as I know myself, like family even, so my mind couldn’t even begin to process it. That is until it was smack dab in my face in the form of a casual hangout-turned-date and a throwback Instagram post about Sidney and Dre (see: Brown Sugar).

At first, I didn’t want to accept that my best friend wanted to explore his feelings for me. I’d rejected it as much as hip-hop denies Iggy Azalea and chalked up his newfound interest in me as nothing more than some last ditch effort to conquer what had been uncharted territory before he had to jet off to L.A. As these unspoken feelings became word vomit (via text), I’d begun to pretty much mourn a friendship I’d cherished for years, knowing that there wasn’t any going back.

You see, I’ve done this song and dance before with the real Dre of my life. Back when Atlanta was overrun by local artists (Outkast, Lil Jon & the East Side Boyz, Jagged Edge) and New Orleans was running rap (The Hot Boy$, No Limit Soldiers), I was unknowingly stirring up chemistry with a friend. It would take at least another decade for either one of us to act on it. Fast forward through college and two failed attempts at a real relationship, and he got married, enlisted in the military and had a kid…

And nothing was the same. (We might talk once every few months.)

So like an encore presentation, my current BFF was forcing me to relive this scenario. To my friends and family’s point, which, I must add, they make incessantly, best friends do make the best lovers. But I don’t believe the best love needs to literally come from your best friend. Plus, it’s only unbridled bliss in the event that both parties are actually willing participants of this out-of-the-blue romance.

And if this is a rom-com fairytale come true, shouldn’t I feel more joy as opposed to sadness? There should be that giddy butterfly feeling, right? The one that makes women go gaga over good guys?

Instead, I’m left asking, “What is life?”

I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t tossed around the idea of us being together in my noggin every time an outsider wondered why me and the homie were so close. This is a person who I deeply care about and consider a support system. He’s family in every sense of the word, who no matter what happens will have someone who loves him in this world – me. But the fleeting thought of us being an actual couple is immediately clipped by my anger over such silly circumstances. Losing a friend to the unknown of a long distance situationship is petty. And as much as I’d like it to be, love is not like the movies.

So because everything in life comes with a price, the dynamic of our friendship is forever changed for the sake of tiptoeing around emotions. Can my new bae meet my best friend without awkward exchanges? Can I still throw my arms around my BFF for the ‘gram without the “shoulda woulda coulda” subtext? Who knows.

Sure, curiosity caused a kiss and a couple of adult conversations about what could transpire between us in the past, but my mind is made up: I just really want my friend back.

“Stacey Is Going To Be Stacey”: Donald Faison On Fatherhood, Career Longevity And Controversial Friend Stacey Dash



I was absolutely giddy when I found out that I was going to have the opportunity to talk to actor Donald Faison this week. I’ve been a fan of his since he played Dr. Chris Turk on Scrubs, and some friends and family of mine have been in lust with the actor since he was in Clueless (and in some cases, since he was in Brandy’s “Sittin’ Up in My Room” video). What I learned from our conversation is that aside from working on new film projects and starring on the hit TV Land show The Exes, Faison is a grillmaster. He has teamed up with the National Pork Board to help share mouthwatering recipes and show off his skills with some tongs as we prepare for summer. I was able to chat with him about his partnership with NPB, and we also touched on his career moves, his friendship with the ever-controversial Stacey Dash, fatherhood, and his plans for Father’s Day. Check out what he had to say.

Where His Grilling Skills Came From

I grew up in New York City, and grilling in New York City really doesn’t exist if you live in an apartment building. Sure, you can go to Central Park and do it and stuff like that. But growing up in an apartment building, it was illegal to grill on your balcony because the smoke would rise, and everybody above you would have to smell what you were cooking. But once I moved to Los Angeles I wanted to learn how to grill. I thought it was something cool. And it’s so much a part of the culture out here. You go to parks, and there are grills in the parks. So I was like “You know what? I need to learn how to grill. I want to show everybody I can do this.” And there’s also something cool about the guy standing at the grill with his apron and his oven mitt and his tongs flipping pork. So I moved out here, and the first thing I ever tried to cook was pork ribs. And I failed miserably at it. And then I practiced, and I practiced and all of a sudden, people were eating them. And then, next thing I know, people were taking them home. Then they were finishing them and leaving nothing but bone. So that’s how I learned how to throw down on the grill.

His Plans For Father’s Day

How do I plan to celebrate Father’s Day? Hopefully, my kids plan to celebrate me first of all! We’re going to grill out obviously. We’re going to be together. Me, the kids and the wife. I’m probably going to make ribs that day. Might make some French fries to go with the ribs. You know, maybe some potatoes or a potato salad. Something with a lot of carbs in it. But afterwards I want to take a nap and not have to hear the kids. I love ’em, but you know…it’s my day!

The Greatest Lesson He Has Learned About Fatherhood

You love them unconditionally. No matter what you guys go through that love will always be there.

What’s Next For Him

The Exes is coming back to TV Land this July, which we’re all really excited about. And then I actually start a movie today that I just signed on for with Terrence J and Paula Patton. I’m excited about that, and I’m excited to get to work with those two. It will be out either end of this year or early next year.

Building And Maintaining Friendships With Fellow Actors

I’m going to be honest with you; it’s tough to form friendships through work because you just work together. You know what I mean? That’s what you do. You have an excuse to see each other every day because you’re working together. But when you don’t have an excuse to see each other and you’re working on other projects, it’s like being traded from one basketball team to another. You really don’t talk anymore. But Zach [Braff] is one of those few people I still keep in contact with. Stacey Dash is another one. Elisa Donovan is another one. Seth Green–we all stay in touch with each other. I still think very fondly of my former castmates, but we don’t see each other that much. I should have them over for a cookout!

How He Has Been Able To Have Longevity After 20 Years In The Industry

I think one reason is luck when it comes to being in this industry and this business. And then it’s really about the projects I’ve been a part of. Clueless was the first project I did where people took notice, and it happened to be one of those things where a lot of people saw that. Same thing with Remember the Titans and the same thing with Scrubs. I’ve had the opportunity to work on shows that last a long time. It’s part luck. I wish I could sit here and tell you I planned all of this to happen, but I’m just riding the wave trying to still surf. But, for the most part, always being prepared and being professional are all important things when it comes to being an actor in this particular industry.

I feel like I still have a long way to go until I’m really where I want to be, but it’s still good to be seen, obviously. Where do I want to be? I have big dreams, but you don’t necessarily follow your dreams all the time. You do what you’re good at. If it were my dream, I would be on the level of my idols, people I look up to in this industry: Denzel and Harrison Ford. I’d like to have the opportunities that they had, and maybe I will one day. But as of right now, it’s awesome being me. Everybody finds their niche.

On Standing By His Controversial Friend, Stacey Dash

I stay out of political conversations. I think that’s the wrong way to go–for me. But Stacey is going to be Stacey. The person I know respects my views and the way I feel about things. Who am I to not give her space to talk? When we’re together, we don’t talk about that stuff. We talk about our friendship, our kids, and stuff like that. It’s crazy, politicians hang out with politicians even though they don’t have the exact same agenda. Just because Stacey and I don’t have the exact same agenda doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. So it’s weird when people ask me that question. “You still hang out with Stacey Dash?! Have you heard some of the things you’ve said?” As far as those who’ve cut off contact with her, that’s their prerogative.

Unconventional Male Body Types That Look Good

Image Source: WENN

Image Source: WENN

Ladies, you can keep your men with rock hard abs and buns of steel—Hollywood is realizing there are plenty of adorable male body types out there. Here are just a few we’d like to order Netflix with on a futon.







Put The Pad Away: New Period Panties Make Pads And Tampons Obsolete

Source: Thinx

Source: Thinx

Thanks to a heavy flow and some less than pleasant experiences with tampons, I’ve primarily been a sanitary napkin type of girl throughout my menstruating life. And while pads provide the most secure feeling coverage, (thanks Always Overnight), I’ll be the first to admit that by day five or six, I seriously contemplate just ripping that good ole protection off and letting my poor vagina breathe again. #NoToniBraxton

Apparently, even the tampon wearing girls share this sentiment because the women at Thinx, an underwear company, run by women, has developed underwear with built in pad.

According to the company, the period proof panties are not supposed to serve as your only coverage but rather as a backup to your tampon or menstrual cup. Still, women are wearing them as an alternative.

The company even offers a variety of pads based on your flow.

And they have different types of underwear. The thong is said to hold up to 1/2 a tampon’s worth of liquid. The cheeky underwear holds up to a full tampon’s worth and the hip hugger holds two tampons worth.

The underwear range in price from $24-$34 and can be washed in the machine. But you do have to rinse before washing and hand dry. So there’s a bit more cleanup if you do end up needing that back up.

The company even boasts that you can wear white pants with the underwear as they’re also leak resistant.

The really cool thing about Thinx, whether you’re welling to try their new period panties or not, is that for every pair you buy, they send sanitary supplies to women and girls who don’t have access to them.

The philanthropy component is beautiful.

But the panties themselves? This is some next level stuff. Lord knows me and my vagina would love the freedom but the way my flow is set up…I would be out here looking crazy.

Would you trust this type of underwear why or why not?

#PrayForCharleston: Emanuel AME Shooting Victims Identified

All nine victims who died following the Mother Emanuel AME shooting massacre have been identified by the Charleston County Coroner Rae Wooten.



Clementa Pinckney

Reverend Clementa Pinckney, 41, was a beloved community leader, state Senator and pastor at Mother Emanuel AME Church. He was among the nine victims shot down Wednesday night by a gunman who opened fire during a Bible study service held at the historic house of worship. He was elected to South Carolina’s House of Representatives at age 23. He leaves behind a wife, Jennifer, and two daughters, Eliana and Malana.

Ask Dr. Renee: Do You Know How To Prevent Cancer?



These days we here about people younger and younger getting diagnosed with different types of cancer. We unfortunately also have been hearing about lots of deaths from cancer as well. I recently watched the Saturday Night Live 40th anniversary and several of the African American female cast members that were in the memorial died of different cancers. It’s important for us to remember that some cancers can actually be prevented. Science is evolving daily on what exactly causes and prevents cancer.  So here are some tips that will hopefully keep you, your friends and your family cancer free.

Quit smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for you and can cause lung cancer. According to the American Lung Association , secondhand smoke causes approximately 3,400 deaths from lung cancer.  You have to be mindful of the activity of others around you. If you are a smoker the sooner you can stop the better. The lungs can repair themselves and function properly again. This particularly hits home for me because someone very close to me who is not a smoker was diagnosed with lung cancer a couple years ago.


Exercise reguarly

It is very important to exercise for weight management but equally as important to prevent cancer. Studies have found that there are substantial health benefits to regular exercise. Strive to get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic physical activity. As a general goal, include at least 30 minutes of physical activity in your daily routine – and if you can do more… even better. I am huge fan of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) because many of us are busy with our careers and family and this allows you to burn a ton of calories in a short amount of time. You do not have to go to a gym you can do these exercises at home as well.


Use Sunscreen

This tip may surprise many but there are plenty of Black people that have been diagnosed with skin cancer and unfortunately have died as well. To avoid skin cancer the American Cancer Society suggests, avoiding the sun in the middle of the day, staying in the shade whenever possible, covering exposed areas of your skin, use generous amounts of sunscreen and avoid tanning beds and sunlamps.


Keep your immunizations up-to-date

This is a hot topic in the news right now although the conversation is centered around kids. It is important to get immunized to prevent certain types of cancer according to the Mayo Clinic. It is important to have your Hepatitis B vaccination because it is sometimes linked with liver cancer.  The Human Papilloma Virus vaccine is available for both men and women age 26 or younger, who did not receive the vaccine as adolescents. HPV is known to cause cervical cancer, but can also increase risk of cancer of the anus, penis, throat, vulva and vagina.

Related article: Ask Dr. Renee: Should Virgins Get Pap Smears?

Do not share needles because there is a high incidence of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV, which can increase the risk of liver cancer.  If you have a drug problem, seek help to stop. Practice safe sex by limiting the number of sexual partners. The more sexual partners in a lifetime increases your chances of contracting a sexually transmitted infection such as HIV or HPV. These infections can lead to higher risk of cancer of the anus, liver and lung cancer.


Doctor visits

Regular doctor visits will allow you to receive screenings for various types of cancer. If you do self-exams and get your health screenings then you increase your chances of finding cancer early leading to a favorable outcome.



Eat Healthy

Eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans will help you reduce your cancer risk. Fiber is especially important when preventing colon cancer.  Try not to eat too many high fat foods because they are higher in calories and might lead to obesity, which can be linked to increase risk of cancer. Cancer cells like to feed off of fat tissue. Alcohol consumption is fine in moderation.  Large amounts of alcohol consumption regularly increase the risk of breast, colon, lung, kidney and liver cancer.


Hopefully, you are already doing these things to live your best life now. If not try and make some small changes so that you can live long enough to make all your dreams come true. If you would like to learn more about health, wellness and how to live your best life please visit me at http://bit.ly/1JY6A2S.

15 Foods That Will Get You In The Mood

15 Foods to get you in the mood


It’s summertime. The weather is good, and everyone is showing more skin and getting booed up. Whether you’re at home making dinner or going out for a bite to eat, you should try these 15 foods that will get you in the mood and make this summer even hotter.

Carolina Panther’s Michael Oher On His Biopic, “The Blind Side:” It Ruined My Football Career

Michael Oher


The Blind Side may have given Sandra Bullock’s career a boost, but Michael Oher, the young man who is the main character in the movie says it didn’t do his career any favors.

The film, released in 2009, earned $300 million along with an Oscar award and Golden Globe for lead actress, Sandra Bullock. However, Carolina Panthers’ football player Michael Oher, whose life served as the basis for the film, said in an interview with ESPN, said the film has hurt his football career.

The Blind Side recounts Oher’s journey from homeless teen to first-round NFL draft pick. Although Oher’s career started off on a good note with the Baltimore Ravens, he has since struggled and believes it’s because his biopic prompts unfair criticism of him. He shared with the sports media outlet, “This stuff, calling me a bust, people saying if I can play or not … that has nothing to do with football. It’s something else off the field. That’s why I don’t like that movie.” Oher made these comments after it was reported that he and his teammate Kony Ealy had a physical altercation.

When asked if he feels he has something to prove to his teammates, Oher stated: “I’m not trying to prove anything. People look at me, and they take things away from me because of a movie. They don’t really see the skills and the kind of player I am.”

Defending Oher’s comments, The Bleacher Report writes, “It’s not surprising to hear the guy who just wanted a safe place to sleep at night as a youth grow up to resent the movie that packaged him as a folk hero capable of football wizardry. After all, hype is hype, and trying to live up to your finest moments every day, in front of thousands, sounds like the most tiring job of all.”

Are you surprised by Oher’s comments?

You’re Hired! Report Says Donald Trump Paid Actors $50 To Cheer For Him

Image Source: WENN.com

Image Source: WENN.com

Poor ol’ Donald Trump. His 2016 presidential bid announcement gave late night comedians a lot of ammo for jokes, but this new tidbit of information will cause a new wave of roasting. The real estate millionaire actually paid actors $50 to cheer for him during his speech, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

“Brooklyn Wants Trump!” and “#Trump Loves America” are some of the signs “supporters” were seen holding during the mogul’s speech on Tuesday, but there’s a possibility that they were just acting. According to THR, Extra Mile Casting —  a New York-based booking agent — sent out an e-mail looking for background actors to cheer for Trump.

“We are looking to cast people for the event to wear t-shirts and carry signs and help cheer him in support of his announcement,” the email, obtained by THR, said.  “We understand this is not a traditional ‘background job,’ but we believe acting comes in all forms and this is inclusive of that school of thought.”

Extra Mile said that it was offering its clients $50 for a three-hour stint at the Trump event.

It became apparent that Trump’s so-called “audience” was questionable when anti-Trump activist Angelo Carusone recognized a background actor, known as Domenico Del Giacco, in an Instagram photo. Carusone took a screengrab of the picture and blogged about the peculiar scene.

“Something just felt off about it to me. But, I couldn’t quite place it. Was it the staging? The crowd? My initial thought was, ‘I bet Trump is paying some of those people to be there.’ I talked myself out of that thought initially because…I mean…c’mon. This was supposed to be a presidential campaign event,” Carusone wrote.

But then, Carusone spotted Del Giacco.

“The gentleman who posted the pic is a paid actor who regularly posts photos from his gigs on social media,” she said. The Instagram post was later deleted — in fact, Del Giacco deleted his entire Instagram account.

When THR contacted Extra Mile about the email, the agency said, “We know nothing about that.” THR also got in touch with Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski who said he’s never even heard of Extra Mile.

“Mr. Trump draws record crowds at almost every venue at which he is a featured speaker,” Lewandowski said. “The crowds are large, often record-setting and enthusiastic, often with standing ovations.”

h/t The Daily Beast

Is Hollywood Cursed? 15 Superstitions Stars Swear Are True

Image Source: Shutterstock

Image Source: Shutterstock

We all know that Hollywood is a weird place. But is it cursed? These stories sound out there. But these stars say the evidence speaks for itself. Lets check out one of the darker corners of Hollywood rumors.

Will South Carolina Remove Their Confederate Flag Now?

Source: Getty Images

Source: Getty Images

If you’ve been following the news coverage of the Charleston, South Carolina shooting, you might have seen the remarks from South Carolina governor Nikki Haley. During her remarks, Haley was visibly and audibly emotional, taking a couple of seconds to control the tears that were approaching as she said, “We woke up today and the heart and soul of South Carolina was broken,” as the community learned of the murders that happened at the historic Emanuel AME Church.

While some applauded Haley for her sensitivity, others swiftly questioned or completely disregarded her as inauthentic. Several Twitter users recalled Haley’s defense of South Carolina’s decision to fly the Confederate Flag at the statehouse.

Last October, when her challenger called for the removal of the flag, Haley said, rather contradictorily, that though the Confederate Flag was a sensitive issue, she felt it was a problem of the past. Particularly because CEOs who were recruiting jobs in the state, had not mentioned it.

“What I can tell you is over the last three and a half years, I spent a lot of my days on the phones with CEOs and recruiting jobs to this state. I can honestly say I have not had one conversation with a single CEO about the Confederate flag.”

She did acknowledge the that state had taken a hit in the media for their decision to fly the flag at the highest office in the state. Many of you may remember sisters Venus and Serena Williams boycotting the state’s Indian Wells tournament for 9 years because they wouldn’t remove the symbol of oppression. But Haley, in her breadth of experience living as a member of the community that flag targets, believed the community had moved past it.

“But we really kind of fixed all that when you elected the first Indian-American female governor,” Haley said. “When we appointed the first African-American U.S. senator, that sent a huge message.”

So, today when Haley cried, her tears weren’t well received.

When I was just ten years old, with my family on our way back to Indianapolis from Fort Wayne, Indiana, a car heavily decorated with the confederate flags, swastikas and even the infamous triple K pulled up alongside ours. The car made sure they kept the pace with ours as they shook the flag and pointed at jeered in the direction of my parents, who kept their faces straight ahead on the road. They followed us for may 2-3 minutes before they sped up, leaving our spirits deflated and my ten-year-old self confused, still scared and deeply saddened by the unnecessary hate I’d just witnessed.

Indianapolis is clearly a midwestern city, miles away from the deep south; still, the very real legacy of hate associated with that Flag had crossed the Mason Dixon to terrorize me and my family for a few seemingly long-lasting minutes.

Having had that experience at such a young age, there was no argument that could convince me the Confederate Flag doesn’t represent hate.

But you don’t need to have been traumatized by it to recognize that.

The flag flew in the South when those collection of states were attempting to secede from the Union so they could maintain the institution of slavery. I don’t have to tell you that the Civil War was fought to maintain an economy that was built on the philosophy that Black lives weren’t fully human and could be controlled, beaten, abused and enslaved by Whites.

That’s alarmingly racist.

And the fact that the flag is allowed to fly at the statehouse is a slap in the face to every Black person in the state, in this country and around the world. Hell, it’s a slap in the face to any and every person who has an interest in justice and human rights.

I find it shocking that Haley can’t make that connection.

Perhaps as a White woman she can’t relate to the racism. But certainly she knows that in no other nation do the losers of a war get to continue to fly their flag? Does Germany still rationalize the need to fly a swastika at governmental buildings as a source of Nazi pride? No. If anything, that part of their history is regarded with shame by most people, as the South should regard slavery and the racism that birthed it.

Unfortunately, racism is still tolerated and even accepted throughout this country. It’s the reason why the flag still flies. And it’s also the reason a 21-year-old young man, born well after the end of slavery and even the “end” of the Jim Crow era, would still harbor so much hate in his heart toward Black people, that he sat with them for an hour, unassumingly in church, before massacring nine people.

Vogue Calls North West A Natural Hair Inspiration For Girls, Black Twitter Reacts Accordingly

Splash News

Splash News

In honor of North West’s second birthday, Vogue published a piece suggesting that the famous tot is “inspiring a generation of natural hair girls.” Immediately, I knew that the Black community would take issue with the essay. With the exception of caregivers who are crazy enough to relax or weave a toddler’s hair, it is safe to say that just about every Black baby girl in America is sporting her natural tresses.

A culture writer named Marjon Carlos penned the piece, which addresses her 2-year-old niece Isabel’s mixed heritage and how caring for her hair is sometimes difficult for the girl’s Russian mother. Carlos, who is Black, goes on to explain that she was inspired to try some of North West’s hairstyles on Isabel since both girls are of mixed heritage and share similar hair textures.

Carlos writes:

When Riccardo Tisci sent models with intricately gelled coils on their hairlines down his fall 2015 Givenchy runway, the awe these baby hairs inspired in the fashion world was rivaled by another very famous set of curls: the scraped-back and artfully sculpted tendrils of mini It girl North West, who turns two today.

I’ve been charmed by the sleek styles that Kim and Kanye’s offspring has sported as she sits front row at Fashion Week on her mother’s lap, arriving to ballet class in custom Balmain blazers, or globetrotting to far-flung locales on family trips. Whether a top bun or a comb-over, North’s pint-sized hairstyles complement her fashion-forward play clothes, while remaining refreshingly easy and age-appropriate. They’ve established little Nori as a kind of hair icon for a nascent and diverse generation of tots rocking their natural curls with unprecedented flair—among them, my two-year-old niece, Isabel.

Many felt that if any celebrity child should be referred to as an “inspiration” for natural hair girls, it should have been Blue Ivy, whose tresses have been mercilessly criticized.

I could see how Nori’s buns and pom poms may have assisted Carlos in coming up with a few styles to try on her adorable niece’s hair. At the same time, the outrage sparked by this piece is entirely understandable. North West is many things, but a natural hair trendsetter she is not.

Meet Your New ‘NBC Nightly News’ Anchor: Lester Holt Takes Brian Williams’ Seat… Permanently



Lester Holt will permanently nab the NBC Nightly News anchor seat which formerly belonged to the embattled Brian Williams, who was suspended for exaggerating news stories, Variety reports.

Williams isn’t totally booted off the network though. The disgraced anchor will be demoted to a lesser position that will be mostly with MSNBC (the exact role is currently unknown). At the same time, Lester Holt — who served as Brian’s fill-in after the network slapped Williams with a six-month suspension — will become “the first African-American solo anchor of a broadcast network’s evening newscast,” Deadline said.

Williams’ misfortunes began in late January when soldiers blasted the news anchor for fibbing about his “helicopter attack” in Iraq back in 2003. Williams claimed that the aircraft he was in was forced down by a rocket-propelled grenade, but military men came forward to say this was not true — the chinook ahead of Williams, not the one he was in, was hit.

“When he was on the air on the Letterman show, I was going crazy,” pilot Christopher Simeone told the New York Times, referring to Williams’ recounting the incident on the Late Show with David Letterman in 2013. “I was thinking ‘This guy is such a liar and everyone believes it.’”

Williams later apologized, saying he his memories were “conflated.”

Williams was kicked off the air in February and the network launched an investigation into “Conflategate.” According to Deadline, senior executive producer Richard Esposito found 11 instances of Williams fabricating stories, “including his account of his time in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, in Cairo’s Tahrir Square during the Arab Spring uprisings in 2011, claims he flew into Baghdad with SEAL Team 6, etc.”

Holt has been at the network for 15 yearsBut who is the “widely-respected” Lester Holt? Newsday highlights Holt’s career milestones: “He reported on the Iraq war in 2003 from the Kuwaiti border, later moving in the troops; he reported from Lebanon in 2006 during the war between Israel and Hezbollah; he was on the ground in Haiti in 2010 immediately after the massive earthquake there; he covered the Arab spring in Cairo and the nuclear crisis in Japan in 2011.”

Holt has always been a key player at NBC, but he never really garnered the TV stardom Williams did. Newsday attributes this to Holt’s quiet personality: “He doesn’t gossip about coworkers or — like some famous TV news stars who will remain unnamed here — provide delicious off-the-record snark about his peers.”

Variety jokes that Holt will do just fine at NBC — as long as he can “keep his facts straight about the chopper.”

Treasury Department Will Put A Woman On The $10 Bill, But It Might Not Be Harriet Tubman



Out of four extraordinary women, America chose Harriet Tubman to grace the $20 bill last month. The vote was commissioned by Women on 20s, a feminist group lobbying to change the $20 by 2020. Well, the U.S. government heard us loud and clear — they’re putting a woman on our money, National Journal reports.

But before you celebrate, there will be a few changes to the group’s plans — a woman will be replacing Andrew Hamilton, not Andrew Jackson. The Treasury Department has selected the $10 bill, as opposed to the $20 bill, as the new home for our leading lady, which may or may not be Tubman.

And perhaps “replacing” isn’t the right word — “sharing” is more fitting. The Treasury will not be nixing $10 star Andrew Hamilton; they will simply circulate a new set of $10 bills. Ades Stone, executive director of Women on 20s, is not too content with this decision.

“The fact that a women will be sharing the bill—it seems like a hedge in a way,” Stone said, according to National Journal. And given Jackson’s anti-native American legacy, Women on 20s believed that a replacement was long overdue.

But overall, Stone is satisfied.

“Our money is going to reflect who we are as a society now,” Stone said. “This should be the next best thing. We’ve been asking for historic change and this is the first step.”

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a New Hampshire Democrat who pushed to get a woman on the $20 bill, co-signed with Stone: “While it might not be the twenty dollar bill, make no mistake, this is a historic announcement and a big step forward,” Shaheen said.

It is also unclear whether the Treasury will honor the Harriet Tubman vote. This decision is all up to Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.

“We’re going to spend a lot of time this summer listening to people,” Lew said. A final decision, according to USA Today, could be made by this fall.

Another drawback is the fact that the bill might not be in circulation by 2020. Stone said 2020 is ideal because it would be the 100-year anniversary of women’s right to vote.

“It’s a little disappointing to hear they may not make that deadline,” Stone said. “In that way, it is not a victory for us. But I do think that it is a historic change, and for that I am really pleased.”

Did Y’all See? The Tragic Charleston Church Shooting

*Editor’s Note: This video was recorded before Dylann Roof was apprehended by police.*

The last few months have been particularly taxing on the Black psyche. Whether it’s the unjust treatment of a young, Black teenager at a McKinney pool party or the death of Walter Scott, it seems like we’ve been beaten down again and again with stories of injustice that have captured the nation’s attention.

This morning we were completely disheartened to learn that Emanuel AME Church, a historic Black church in Charleston, South Carolina, was the victim of a massacre where 9 people, including the pastor and State Senator Clementa C. Pinckney, Tywanza Sanders, and Cynthia Hurd were killed.

See what the editors of MadameNoire had to say about this tragic and heartbreaking incident in the video above.


Update: Nevermind! Airline Group Rescinds Plans to Shrink Your Carry-On Bags



Update: A few weeks ago, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced plans to shrink our carry-on bags and — well  — let’s just say the public didn’t take it too well. After facing major backlash, the airline group is rescinding the proposal, according to the Consumerist.

The IATA launched a campaign, known as “Cabin OK,” to reduce airlines’ maximum dimensions for carry-on bags to make room for more overhead bin space. However, consumers — and even politicians — were not buying it. Many say that these new proposed restrictions are just another way for airlines to nickle-and-dime passengers.

Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) pointed out that IATA’s “luggage diet” might be an “industry ploy related to baggage fees since dubious tactics, like hidden fees, are already used to trick consumers.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) agreed: “Enough already! They charge a fee for peanuts, for leg room, for just about anything,” he said. “Luggage companies have made carry-on bags and now, all of a sudden, millions of them won’t fit.”

Schumer was referring to the fact that IATA’s proposal would shrink the carry-on maximum down to 21.5 x 13.5 x 7.5 inches — this is about 20 percent smaller in comparison to the current dimensions of major airlines. These restrictions would have rendered the bags of millions of travelers obsolete.

Caught up in all the hoopla, IATA backpedaled on its plans to change the carry-on size and will begin a “comprehensive reassessment in light of concerns expressed, primarily in North America.”

“While many welcomed the Cabin OK initiative, significant concerns were expressed in North America. Cabin OK is a voluntary program for airlines and for consumers. This is clearly an issue that is close to the heart of travelers. We need to get it right. Today we are pausing the rollout,” said Tom Windmuller, Senior Vice President, Airport, Passenger, Cargo and Security, in a press release.

IATA added that there was a lot of confusion concerning the campaign and wanted to clarify the following: “…No consumer will be forced into buying a new bag as a result of this voluntary initiative.”

U.S. airlines have not agreed to accept IATA’s initiative, according to the Consumerist, because if more overhead bin space is the goal, carriers will just invest in making them bigger.


Originally Posted on June 10, 2015

As if flying couldn’t be more of a headache, now the airline industry is saying our carry-on bags are too big. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is calling for tighter restrictions on the luggage we bring on board,  USA Today reports.

IATA, a trade group that advocates for most of the world’s major airlines, is proposing a new initiative to “optimize the the accommodation of carry-on bags.” IATA asserts that the new maximum allowance will be standardized, which would nix the problem of one carry-on bag size being accepted at one airline, but rejected at another.

However, the new standard size would also be 21 percent smaller than the current dimensions allowed by United, Delta, and American. IATA, in agreement with aircraft manufacturers, suggest the following dimensions: 21.5 x 13.5 x 7.5 inches. As of now, the three biggest airlines allow a maximum of 22 inches tall, 14 inches wide and nine inches deep.

In theory,  the new maximum size would allow everyone to snugly store their carry-on bags aboard a 120-seat aircraft or larger.

For late boarding passengers, Washington Post reports, this would be a benefit since overhead storage bins are often overstuffed.

“What we’re trying to do is take away that uncertainty from the 120th passenger in line – will I be able to bring my bag into the cabin?” said Perry Flint, a spokesman for IATA.

But for punctual passengers, the “perks” of smaller carry-on dimensions are difficult to spot. The carry-on bags of millions of passengers would be rendered obsolete.

Eight major airlines, according to the WaPo, have already decided to adopt IATA’s new recommendations: Air China, Avianca, Azul, Cathay Pacific, China Southern, Emirates, Lufthansa and Qatar.

“We’ll certainly be announcing more big carriers,” said Chris Goater, another spokesman for the transport association, according to WaPo. Lovely…

What do you think of IATA’s new recommendations?

AT&T May Be Fined $100K For “Misleading” Customers About Unlimited Data Service

Rob Wilson / Shutterstock.com

Rob Wilson / Shutterstock.com

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced that AT&T is in hot water for misleading consumers about its so-called “unlimited” mobile data plans. The telecommunications giant could face a $100,000 fine, WLTX 19 reports.

AT&T was caught “severely” slowing data speeds, in contradiction to its advertisements, without notifying customers who purchased the unlimited data plan. The FCC added that AT&T’s practices violated the agency’s FCC’s 2010 Open Internet Order, better known as net neutrality rules.

“Consumers deserve to get what they pay for,” FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said in a statement. “Broadband providers must be upfront and transparent about the services they provide. The FCC will not stand idly by while consumers are deceived by misleading marketing materials and insufficient disclosure.”

“When customers consumed more than five gigabytes of data for the month, AT&T, according to the FCC, slowed down their data transmission speeds ” to levels that made using mobile apps difficult or impossible,” WLTX 19 wrote. This tactic is called “throttling” and has become more common in the telecommunications industry.

More wireless carriers are “tightening” access to their networks, due to the massive demand for data, to regulate traffic and boost profits, but customers are usually notified about the scale-back.

The FCC said that it has received “thousands of complaints” concerning AT&T’s “unlimited” data plan service. “The customers who were subject to speed reductions were slowed for an average of 12 days per billing cycle,” WLTX 19 added.

The FCC said that anyone who is still subscribed to AT&T’s unlimited data plan, which the carrier discontinued for new customers, has the right to use as much data as they please.

Refuting the FCC’s claims, AT&T stated that the agency knew “for years” that it has been using throttling as a practice and “all of the major carriers use it.”

“We have been fully transparent with our customers, providing notice in multiple ways and going well beyond the FCC’s disclosure requirements,”AT&T said in a statement.

The FCC issued AT&T a “notice of apparent liability” and the carrier has 30 days to respond. The agency will review the reply and decide whether AT&T will be required to pay the $100,000 fine.

Disney Cancels Layoffs, Labor Of Department Investigates



In May, 35 technology employees at Disney/ABC Television in New York and Burbank, CA were told they would be laid off. Adding insult to injury, the employees were also told they would have to train immigrants to do their jobs. The training session, however, didn’t last long. Employees reported the immigrants suddenly stopped reporting to their sessions. Then on June 11, managers in both offices told the Disney employees their layoffs were canceled.

During the meeting, employees were read a statement noting their jobs were continuing and they should behave as though nothing happened until further notice. Although the employees from the New York and California offices were not affected, in January a similar occurrence took place in Disney’s Orlando location when 250 tech workers were laid off and had to train Indian immigrants (who were on work visas) to their jobs in order to receive severance from Disney.

The Indian immigrants were given temporary work visas known as H-1B. These particular type of visa are for immigrants who have specialized skills and find positions where Americans with those same skills are not available to complete the job. With that in mind, the Justice Department plans to examine the H-1B visa program and the Labor Department will inspect outsourcing companies who bring immigrants to do work.

Since their last meeting, tech employees in the New York and Burbank offices have not received any updates on internal changes. Disney executives claim their company reorganization resulted in the Orlando offices layoffs. Though, Disney had to rehire the same employees it laid off.

Would you go back to a company that laid you off under these circumstances? Not sure that we would.

via The New York Times 

“You Haven’t Done Anything Since Moesha” Watch The Hollywood Divas Season 2 Trailer

Hollywood Divas

Source: TV One

The ladies of “Hollywood Divas,” veteran actresses Golden Brooks, Paula Jai Parker, Countess Vaughn, and Elise Neal and newbie Lisa Wu are coming back to TV One.

And from the looks of the trailer, they’re keeping up with the drama both within the group of ladies and people on the outside.

The ladies take a trip to Jamaica and seem to be bonding. But in the midst of the turn up, Paula Jai Parker’s husband, Forest claims that he owns the ladies’ project “The White Sisters,” though they were all producers of it.

And Forest isn’t just beefing with the ladies. He and Paula also seem to be having some issues, including tension between him and her mother.

Inside the group, Golden Brooks throws some shade at Shar Jackson, pointing out the fact that she hasn’t worked since “Moesha.”

But it’s not all doom and gloom. Countess is working with Erica Campbell’s husband Warryn to work on a song.

Golden is dating and from the looks of things, someone might be getting married.

Take a look at the trailer in the video below.

One Drunken Mistake? What Does And Doesn’t Count As Cheating?

Image Source: WENN

Image Source: WENN

Are you and your significant other on the same page when it comes to cheating? Many couples think they’re on the same page about what’s out-of-bounds, but you might be surprised.

Emanuel AME Church Shooting Suspect Captured

Dylann Storm Roof

South Carolina Police

The man believed to be responsible for the senseless killing of nine people at a Wednesday night Bible study at Mother Emanuel AME Church has been captured, CNN reports.

Law enforcement officers caught up with the suspect Thursday morning during a traffic stop in Shelby, North Carolina thanks to a tip from the public.

Investigators identified the alleged shooter as 21-year-old Dylann Storm Roof. He has a criminal record and in 2015 alone, was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and trespassing.

Sylvia Johnson, a cousin of Senator Clementa Pinckney who was killed in the shooting, recalled a conversation she recently had with a survivor of the massacre.

“He just said ‘I have to do it,’” Johnson recalls the survivor telling her. “’You rape our women and you’re taking over the country. You have to go.’”

According to The Daily Beast, at least three people survived the shooting, and the shooter told one woman that he would allow her to live so that she can tell everyone what happened.

Roof is in the custody of North Carolina police.

Kenny Lattimore Celebrates Father’s Day With Café Mocha

Kenny LattimoreIt’s a Father’s Day special on Café Mocha and Grammy Award-nominated singer/songwriter Kenny Lattimore is guest hosting as we discuss fatherhood. He’ll also discuss his break from music, raising a son and the state of R&B today.

Dre Kirkpatrick

Also joining the discussion is Cincinnati Bengal’s cornerback Dre Kirkpatrick. A father at 16, he shares how he overcame the fears of fatherhood and his take on the bad rap NFL dads are getting.

Cafe Mocha Radio Logo_Light_420 (4)

Did Y’all See Peter Thomas from The Real Housewives of Atlanta was seen caressing another woman’s chest? Don’t miss the ladies of MadameNoire an the latest episode of Did Y’all See on Café Mocha Radio this weekend. You can also follow Did Y’all See each week on the MadameNoire YouTube channel.

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Is Your Money Working For You? How To Make Sound 401(K) Investments



It can be hard at times to do the right thing — only to question if you’re actually doing the right thing. This is how I feel at times when it comes to investing. I don’t come from a family of wealth or parents who emphasized the importance of building a nest egg. My mom and dad were awesome in many areas, but had their own battles when it came to finance.

This is one of the reasons why I try to focus on filling in the blanks when it comes to being money savvy. One big area of concern for me is my 401(k).

Unlike most, I don’t have a company 401(k). It’s an individual retirement account through my own company that I research and maintain. There’s no corporate matching or management that oversees investment choices. As crazy and complicated as it sounds, I actually enjoy the set up as I can pick and choose from practically any platform I want.

Thus far things have been going well. I always try to invest 15 percent of my income and follow an asset allocation model that’s moderately aggressive. I’m 30 years old, so I have plenty of time to take a few risks and let my money grow. There’s also some conservative options in there like bonds and cash to help keep things anchored.

Call me crazy but I’m constantly flipping though investment-related magazines as if I have Warren Buffet’s money. I might be far from becoming a millionaire anytime soon but that doesn’t mean us “common folks” can’t learn more about the game. After all, who doesn’t want their coins working hard for them? Lord knows we work hard for our money.

When it comes to your financial future, do you ever worry if you’re on the right track? Here are some clues your 401(k) is headed in the right direction.

You have goals. Hopefully you aren’t just picking options for your 401(k) account without understanding them and how they can affect your end game. Everyone should have goals or an investor profile that helps you determine what you want to achieve — outside of making a ton of money.

Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. It’s really great that you love your company’s stock option. However, that does not mean you invest 75 percent of your 401(k) in it. Sure you’ll realize great gains if it soars but you must also set yourself up for some pretty big hurt if it goes down the toilet. Remember that whole asset allocation thing? This is where it comes in handy. Having one as a model can make your life easier. Speak to HR or the department who handles 401(k) inquiries to see if there are models in place for you to follow. You can always research online for more options.

Invest enough for company matching, but more if able. This one is very important. It doesn’t matter how balanced your portfolio is, if you’re barely putting anything in it, it more than likely will not grow. It’s recommended that people in their 30s invest 10 to 15 percent. If this isn’t possible right now, you should put in the bare minimum to receive company matching.

Allow it to grow. This one might sound like a no-brainer, but you wouldn’t believe the amount of people who dip into their 401(k). Aside from being a bad idea, you also get penalized for early withdrawals. In addition to saving for your retirement, it’s important you also have an emergency fund in the event you need an IOU.

Want to learn more? Here are a few more reads on investing:

401k Financial Moves to Make in Your 30s

How to Start Investing

How to Build a Financial Portfolio

Queen For A Day: How To Plan A Fabulous Birthday On A Budget

Five Year Old Billed $25


Is your special day approaching? Even if it’s not a national holiday, your birthday is still important and deserves a celebration.

As much as you want to do something grand for your birthday, it might not be in the cards for you financially. I’m always amazed to see friends take fancy trips or turn their day into the party of the year at a club. Can you say VIP access and bottle service?

At the end of the day, you should do what makes you happy so long as you remember your bills and future financial plans.

For the most part, I’m pretty straightforward and enjoy celebrating my day with folks close to me. There have been many years when I treated my birthday as just another day of the week. On occasions, my husband and I have gone on a nice trip, but that was to commemorate a milestone year — like turning 30. Now that we have a toddler and a newborn, I need to put a few more coins to their future birthdays as they can add up.

Should I ever want to do something special for my birthday, it’s good to know the affordable options that won’t break the bank. Here are some ways you can have your cake and eat it too.

Plan ahead. It goes without saying those who wait until the last minute are likely the ones who find themselves disappointed. Give yourself plenty of time to plan, budget and compare prices. This will help keep money in your pocket. Note: Unless you plan to take a trip that requires significant travel-related expenses, you don’t have to tell your friends and family super early.

Look for membership deals. Being a member of AAA and other programs can save you money on entertainment, car rentals and even hotel rooms. After all, why wouldn’t you take advantage of discounts? You’re paying for the membership, so use it. Try to be flexible with your plans in case there’s a deal that’s too good not to try.

Stay away from minimum commitments. Unfortunately you can’t always count on a person’s word. Whether you plan to cover a deposit to secure a space, or what your guests to pay their own way, try to steer clear of minimum financial commitments. Restaurants and other venues are notorious for trying to get a hefty deposit from parties — and will even require a credit card on file. As much as you want to do something nice for your birthday, it’s not a wedding reception. Look for venues that don’t have strings attached, or use a private home.

Source your friends. Many of us have people in our camp with talents beyond their daily 9-to-5 job. Don’t hesitate to ask someone if they’re willing to help you out with your party. Even if you have to pay, you might receive a discount.

My cardinal rule is to never sleep on flash sales. Groupon, Living Social and other companies offer a variety of deals you can use. Not only can you save on hotels and travel, but can also score major savings when it comes to goods and services. This will come in handy should you need to source food and other items for your party.

The Emanuel AME Church Shooting Is Not A Hate Crime. It Is An Act Of Terrorism.

Nine Killed In Mass Shooting At Historic Charleston Church

AP Images

Some of you are waking up – in more ways than one – to the news that a White man walked into the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, and massacred nine people.

The church is one of the oldest in the country, co-founded by Denmark Vesey, who unsuccessfully attempted a slave rebellion. That revolt involved a plan for hundreds of enslaved Black men and women to kill slaveholders, commandeer ships and sail to a recently liberated Haiti for refuge. However, the plan was quickly foiled, and Vesey was later executed with 35 other co-conspirators. This month marks the 193rd anniversary of the failed rebellion.

As of last night, this historic church has a new legacy. Among the nine dead in last night’s shooting include the church’s current pastor, State Senator Clementa C. Pinckney. And according to the New York Times, the F.B.I., the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division are assisting in the manhunt for the lone gunman. He is described as a clean-shaven White man in his early ’20s.

According to Charleston Police Chief Greg Mullen, the shooting is being labeled as a hate crime. He also said, “It is unfathomable that somebody in today’s society would walk into a church while they are having a prayer meeting and take their lives.”

Unfathomable? No. Unconscionable? Yes. Still, there is a bigger cause for concern here, and it is about how we look and label this cowardly act of violence. I’m just going to go right ahead and say that the mass shooting at the Emanuel AME Church is not a hate crime. Most crimes, particularly premeditated mass murder, are about hate. But rather, what happened in the sacred temple of Emanuel AME was nothing less than terrorism.

It may seem presumptuous to make such a bold declaration considering the suspect in the shooting has yet to be fully identified or apprehended. However, as defined by Title 18, section 2331 and 2332 of the U.S. Codes, terrorism – both domestic and international – is defined as violent acts dangerous to human life. These actions attempt to “intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping.”

What else could possibly be more intimidating to both a civilian population and its political representation than a possible lone White gunman walking into a church where unarmed Black parishioners are engaged in the most non-threatening act of Bible study, and opening fire, killing a state senator and eight others in the process? Black churches in America have been the target of White racialized violence, aggression and intimidation since their inception. Therefore, it is not inconceivable or incomprehensible that this is still the case.

And how we label these acts of mass violence matters, as these labels directly affect how we respond to them. When Boston bombing suspect and Islamic extremist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was labeled a terrorist, authorities used their full constitutional powers to shut down mass transit, ban civilian aircraft from taking flight around the area, and to conduct door-to-door searches. When ex-LAPD police officer turned cop killer Christopher Dorner was classified as a domestic terrorist, law enforcement too went into overdrive. Not only did they conduct door-to-door searches and stop (and in some instances shoot at) every blue SUV they could find, but they also offered a $1 million dollar reward for his capture and protection for the families of up to 50 police officers. And when Denmark Vesey attempted his slave rebellion, the U.S. government did not hesitate to call him treasonous (and to this date there is still a raging debate among historians in South Carolina as to whether or not he was a terrorist) and form large militias to hunt down his 34 co-conspirators.

But when racially motivated crimes happen to Black people, we rarely treat these occurrences as anything more than isolated incidences, and never do we call them terrorism.

As in most cases of domestic terrorism, this mass shooting should have us in panic mode. We need to hear from both President Obama and the Department of Homeland Security about possible chatter among White supremacist extremists who may have foreseen this shooting. We need everyone one who has ever left a threatening comment on social media or sent a hateful letter to President Obama detained and questioned. We need our officials to tell us to report suspicious White behavior to the proper authorities. We need the entire weight of the U.S. government, law enforcement agencies and counter-terrorism units patrolling the streets, stopping and frisking and damn near harassing every clean-shaven White man in work boots.

We also need 24-hours news coverage. We need for our news channels to play in continuous loops video of heavily armed White men draped in the American flag as well as Biblical quotes while talking heads explore and dissect whiteness. Just like they do every time a Muslim commits a crime. Or when a Black person kills another Black person. Or when that God-awful Rachel Dolezal story surfaced.

We need to prematurely draw direct and indirect lines to both domestic and international White terrorist networks, including the White Christian church, Rome, Fox News, and the conservative political right. We need to talk about their history of violence. We need all the White antagonistic race-baiters to be called to the carpet and made to explain what is it about White people, their culture and their God that makes them hate and kill others so much.

It may sound inflammatory to some, but this is what happens each and every time a radical act of violence is labeled a terrorist attack. And there is no reason it shouldn’t be happening now. But when we only label violence committed by Black, brown and other skinned people as terrorism while failing to properly label racialized violence against people of color in the same vein, we send a clear message. And that message is that the only real threat to sovereignty and peace that matters is what happens to the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant power structure, and that is nothing more than racism.