Exclusive: “Empire” Star Serayah McNeill Discusses Upcoming Mixtape And How Her Life Has Changed Since Being Cast On The Show

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“Empire” went out with a bang and though it will be a while before we’re reunited with Lucious and the gang, we’ll have their music to hold us over. Earlier this week, FOX released the highly anticipated soundtrack for the series and we’ve just learned that actress Serayah McNeill, who plays Tiana Brown, has plans to release some music of her own this summer. We were able to catch up with the super talented actress and singer who discussed her upcoming mixtape, the drama surrounding the series and Iman Shumpert’s interesting comments about his girlfriend inspiring her character.

MN: Does your mixtape have a title yet?

No, I don’t have a title. We’re still working on recording the songs.

MN: What are some of the topics you broach on this project?

Definitely some fun stuff and just feel good music. That’s basically my vision for this project.

MN: Do you intend to release an album eventually?

Well hopefully, but for now we’re doing this [“Empire” and mixtape] but that’s my hope for the future.

MN: So you act, you sing, you model. Are there any other hidden talents we don’t know about?

I know I do lot. I play basketball and I’m really athletic so I’m into all of that. Sports and stuff. I love to just go skating. I’m like really an outdoors person.

MN: How has life changed since “Empire”?

They’ve completely changed. They’re still the same when I come home to family, but as far as, my career everything is so fast paced now. I’ve been really busy and I’m just adjusting to the fast life.

MN: Has it gotten to the point where you can’t do regular things like walk through the mall and shop for your own groceries?

Well I can to a certain extent. Once one person notices, a lot of people notice. I can go undercover but once one person takes notice, that stops.

MN: How did you react when you learned that the role was yours?

I was just flushed with excitement. I didn’t know what to do at the time. I was so stoked that I booked it. It was really an amazing day.

MN: I feel like people have been coming out of the woodwork since episode one claiming that they either turned down a role, auditioned for it or some element from the show was copied or stolen from them. What are your thoughts on everyone trying to claim a piece of the pie?

I don’t really know. Maybe that’s their personal feelings that they have. I only know how I got it and my influences for my character so I’m not really too sure about everybody [laughs].

MN: Speaking of who inspired your role, there was a situation earlier this month where it was reported that Iman Shumpert felt FOX producers had Teyana Taylor in mind when creating your character. I have to ask what your reaction was when you learned of his comments.

I just um, I thought it was interesting. I never heard of that. When that was released I was like, ‘No, they didn’t say that.’ I didn’t believe it. I have no words for that.

MN: Did you expect for “Empire” to take off like it did?

Yes, I did but I didn’t expect for it to be a number one show and I didn’t know that I would be a part of something like that for my first big role. It has completely exceeded all of my expectations.


MN: On the show, Tiana and Hakeem were very open about their relationship. Now that you’re a big superstar who can’t walk through the malls anymore without being noticed, do you think you’ll be as open with your personal life?

I do think that certain sentimental things are private, but as far as fans, I want to be as relatable as possible so there’s gonna probably be things that they ask me and I’ll just tell them the truth. That’s what I would like someone who I look up to to do.

MN: What was it like working with Taraji because she looks like she’s a hoot?

Oh she is. She totally rocks and she just knows what decisions she wants to make and that’s what makes her Taraji. I really respect that and I admire that about her. I learned so much from her on set.

MN: Finally, where do you hope to be in the next 10 years?

Ohhhh! Definitely selling out arenas and stadiums and Madison Square Garden and overseas. Music and more films. Bigger films and big shows. I have a lot of goals.