Remember when you were 6 years old and you wanted to dress up just like mommy and she let you? More than likely that meant wearing a matching t-shirt or a dress that fell somewhere between your calf and your ankles with an ugly bib-like thingy on top and a floral pattern while your mom selflessly wore the adult version to make you happy (sorry I’m having JC Penny catalog flashbacks). In 2015, it apparently means wearing a suggestive two-piece bikini. That’s if you’re the daughter of reality star Kimbella Vanderhee.
You likely haven’t thought much about the baby mother of rapper Juelz Santana since she got her but whooped on the second season of Love & Hip Hop NY, but today she has the internet on fire after posting the image above on Instagram, which mostly everyone who comes across has responded to with one word: inappropriate.
The sales gimmick (uploaded as a faux mother-daughter moment) features the video model with her daughter, both in scantily clad swimsuits, in a post that starts off asking, “don’t we look cute?” and ends with a coupon code encouraging other mothers to buy swimsuits so they can be twins with their daughter on the beach — or their living room, I guess. Now do you see why she’s become a trending topic on Twitter?
Off the bat, I know there are some people who have a problem with little girls wearing two-piece bathing suits in any shape or form. I’m not one of them. I’m not a fan, however, of pre-pubescent little girls wearing tiny two-piece bathing suits made out of materials only strippers and American Apparel shoppers wear, and then posting pictures of said child on the internet pulling her panties down almost to her public bone. In no way am I insinuating that Kimbella made her child pose in a suggestive way to make a buck, what I am saying is the particular picture posted online does suggest that the former reality star is exploiting her young daughter for material gain. The look on the little girl’s face says she’d rather be anywhere but in that bathing suit holding her mother’s hand, and I’m pretty sure the reason her bottoms are pulled down so low is because she was two seconds from stepping out of them. Could it be she has more sense than her mother?
On Kimbella’s timeline you’ll find many fans of the video chick who question why people care what pictures she posts of her daughter online. The fact that those people follow Kimbella on social media to begin with explains that perspective. In all actually, Kimbella’s daughter’s swimsuit really isn’t the only issue here. The mom could also stand to tone the sexy — and the cleavage — down a bit herself while posing with a young, impressionable little girl who, in a few years, will no doubt be attempting to replicate some of the moves she’s seen her mom do. And let’s not forget the internet is ripe with pedophiles and predators who live for images like this and may not settle on experiencing this fantasy from behind their computer screens alone. I’m no prude, so I say make your money how you make it, but when your business is being hypersexual and half-dressed I think you can leave the babies out. And that includes social media.
What do you think about Kimbella’s mother-daughter pic? Too much or no big deal?