Put The Pad Away: New Period Panties Make Pads And Tampons Obsolete

Source: Thinx

Source: Thinx

Thanks to a heavy flow and some less than pleasant experiences with tampons, I’ve primarily been a sanitary napkin type of girl throughout my menstruating life. And while pads provide the most secure feeling coverage, (thanks Always Overnight), I’ll be the first to admit that by day five or six, I seriously contemplate just ripping that good ole protection off and letting my poor vagina breathe again. #NoToniBraxton

Apparently, even the tampon wearing girls share this sentiment because the women at Thinx, an underwear company, run by women, has developed underwear with built in pad.

According to the company, the period proof panties are not supposed to serve as your only coverage but rather as a backup to your tampon or menstrual cup. Still, women are wearing them as an alternative.

The company even offers a variety of pads based on your flow.

And they have different types of underwear. The thong is said to hold up to 1/2 a tampon’s worth of liquid. The cheeky underwear holds up to a full tampon’s worth and the hip hugger holds two tampons worth.

The underwear range in price from $24-$34 and can be washed in the machine. But you do have to rinse before washing and hand dry. So there’s a bit more cleanup if you do end up needing that back up.

The company even boasts that you can wear white pants with the underwear as they’re also leak resistant.

The really cool thing about Thinx, whether you’re welling to try their new period panties or not, is that for every pair you buy, they send sanitary supplies to women and girls who don’t have access to them.

The philanthropy component is beautiful.

But the panties themselves? This is some next level stuff. Lord knows me and my vagina would love the freedom but the way my flow is set up…I would be out here looking crazy.

Would you trust this type of underwear why or why not?