Movin’ On Up at The Black ‘Zines: Jet & Ebony Announce Two New Editorial Leaders

L to R: Kierna Mayo & Kyra Kyles

L to R: Kierna Mayo & Kyra Kyles

The mastheads for two of the most prominent Black magazines of our time — Ebony & Jet — has changed. EbonyKierna Mayo is now editor-in-chief and Jet’s Kyra Kyles is currently seated as VP and head of digital, Fishbowl NY reports.

Mayo formerly served as Ebony’s editorial director in 2011, but on Monday, Johnson Publishing Company (JPC) announced Mayo’s new seat as Editor-in-Chief for the JPC New York office.

“In addition to defining the overall editorial direction for Ebony, this role is responsible for maintaining the tonal and aesthetic consistency of the Ebony brand across all platforms,” according to a press release.

“Get ready for a new Ebony,” Mayo said in the press release. It will be forward-thinking, leading-edge, and “fresh,” she added. Jet’s new editor-in-chief said she’ll be tapping into Ebony’s “maverick spirit” that flourished when the magazine first hit the stands in 1945.

“We have a distinct advantage here at EBONY because we’ve been doing this for 70 straight years,”  Mayo said.

On Twitter, Mayo shouted out her JPC buddy, Kyles, who also stepped up the career ladder.

Kyles was editorial director of Ebony’s sister magazine JET before she was promoted.

“This position utilizes all JPC digital assets, including social-media channels, to deliver compelling content that attracts users and clients to the venerable brand,” the press release said.

Kyles, according to the press release, said, “I will leverage my broadcast, print and digital media experience to tell our stories in new and exciting ways.”

Stay tuned for July’s Ebony . Tina Knowles is splashed across the cover with the hair of a lioness and the crown of a queen.

Ebony is the largest print magazine for Black audiences with a readership of 9.3 million.