Millennials Reveal Their Choices For Top Companies To Work For In 2015



Now that millennials are the largest demographic in the workforce, where exactly do they want to work? The National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) most recent survey found that millennials are most seeking employment at Google, which came as no surprise. The tech giant is known for treating its employees well, offering perks on top of perks.

The survey also found that millennials are interested in working in the healthcare industry, specifically in pediatric treatment and research hospitals. The CEO of the NSHSS, James Lewis, says the reason millennials are interested in health care is because of this particular generation’s focus on serving others.

This survey was completed by NSHSS members: 49 percent of the members identify as non-white and the entire membership has a minimum grade point average of 3.5. Members are inducted in high school and receive a lifetime membership. NSHSS was created by Claes Nobel who is a relative of Alfred Nobel, creator of the laudable Nobel Peace Prize. In its top 25 list, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis ranked in third place, Health Care Service Corp., the nation’s largest customer-owned health insurer was placed in the ninth place and Mayo Clinic in 14th place.

As for technology companies, Microsoft jumped from 11th place to the 7th, Intel is now in the 24th place and Dell went up 38 ranks to the 27th placement for millennials. Surprisingly, federal government agencies such as the FBI, NSA and CIA made the list despite the historic stigma that surrounds each agency. Lewis reported on this new development: “These millennials want to protect our country. With an organization like the NSA, they’re not running from it but instead saying, ‘Let’s get in there and fix the problem.’”

Here is the top 10 list:

1. Google

2. Walt Disney Company

3. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

4. Apple

5. FBI

6. Local hospital

7. Microsoft

8. CIA

9. Health Care Service Corp.

10. Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta


For the complete list, click to Forbes.