My motto is: “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” I don’t put limits on myself. I am very focused and I move all my projects forward every day.
But still, it is very very important to focus on finding a balance and to make sure everything stays in the air. Also I have a wonderful team. I’m busy but I’m loving it.
MN: Your direct sales business seems to have started it all. But many people shy away from direct sales.
LNC: I think that’s because they misunderstand the business model for direct sales. They think only of the negative side of telemarketing. But nearly every major company is involved in direct sales, from Citibank to Hallmark cards. When you start to educate yourself about the industry you will see there is a lot of annual revenue generated from the direct sales business. Even Warren Buffett owns two direct sales companies.
Direct sales is one of the very few industries where you can make brain surgeon money without an advanced degree. I was in pharmaceutical sales making a six-figure income, but with my direct sales business I was able to retire from that and my husband was able to take a sabbatical. I became a millionaire through direct sales.
MN: How does your direct sales business work?
LNC: I don’t just teach people how to do direct sales, I teach them to look at the bigger business picture. I tell them not just making money but how to turn the money they make into wealth. I took my money and I invested and started other companies.
MN: What is the key to sealing a sale?
LNC: Every purchase that a person makes is more emotional than anything. So I teach my clients to develop relationships. You don’t just tell people to call and ask people to buy a phone. You need to make the sales pitch from an emotional approach, not a logical approach. People buy from people they like and people they trust. They might not even need the product, but if they like you they may just buy to support you.
So if you are selling tea that makes you lose weight, don’t just call and say,”Hi buy some tea that makes you lose weight.” Call and explain what you are doing and ask if the person can support you buy buying one of your products. Say something like, “I have some tea that I am selling that helps you lose weight. Is there any way you can support me in this venture?”
MN: Why did you launch the Women’s Empowerment Network?
LNC: Direct sales is a male-dominated industry. Men are at the top earning the money, but there are actually more females in the industry. I was interested in showing women how to be a wife, mother, successful businesswomen, and civil-minded. The Empowerment Movement came from the women I was mentoring.
Also, I don’t just want to foster financial growth but spiritual growth. You can have all the money in the world, but if you are not spiritually grounded you will never be happy.
MN: What’s next?
LNC: Well we’re working on expanding the women’s empowerment tour. Initially it was just a three-day event but now we are adding five more cities, including New York and Ft. Lauderdale.
Also, one of the things my husband has always wanted to do is mission work internationally. Most of his mission work has been in the U.S. So he and I are doing a fashion and lifestyle event for a cause. We will raise money for a medical mission trip to Haiti. We want medical supplies and 15 doctors to come with us. We are also trying to get equipment donated.
Then there are my children, who I am so proud of. My son, who is 10 years old, has a cookbook coming out: TJ Recipes That Rock. And my daughter has a tea set and a doll coming out.
MN: What made you do the TV show Married To Medicine?
LNC: When the show first came to me I turned it down that first year. I said I didn’t want to be part of the show unless I could show something positive. I was not interested in the drama. And in fact, there was a fight during the first season and the producers decided they need to balance the drama. That was when I entered the show. But unfortunately, I too got caught in a situation. I became a target and there were some buttons pushed and it led to drama, which regrettably is continuing.
But reality TV has also given me a national platform to promote positivity. There is a lot of good you can do if you are strategic.
MN: What has been your biggest business lesson?
LNC: I was always working, working, working. But I realized you can be very successful in business but if your spirituality suffers, if your family life suffers you will never be fulfilled. You have to make a work/life balance. If you don’t have quality time for your family, they might start to resent your work.
Also, I would tell anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit, that you have to find a way to tap into your dreams. If you try and fit yourself into the employee box you will never be fulfilled. So look for an outlet where you can go for it. Start off part-time but figure out a way to turn your passion into a profitable endeavor.