Jermaine Dupri: Sometimes Mariah Doesn’t Take Her Career Seriously

Jermaine Dupri


Apparently, Jermaine Dupri still hasn’t learned that if you don’t have something nice to say, you probably shouldn’t say anything at all.

In a recent interview with Hip Hollywood, Dupri discussed the boatload of negative press that his former associate Mariah Carey has been receiving following a string of lackluster performances and low album sales. While the 42-year-old, who has worked extensively with the singer in the past, admits that the media is known for nitpicking, he also credited Carey’s inconsistency for the public’s negative perception of her.

“From both sides I think it’s like you in the business you have to pay attention to everything,” JD explained. “There’s some artists out there that aren’t as serious as they are supposed to be and I think sometimes Mariah doesn’t take it as seriously as she should and that’s where the criticism comes from.”

According to the producer, artists who have been in the business for a long time sometimes feel like they don’t have to always bring their “A” game because of all of their past success.

“People expect you to put it at a level that they’re not even supposed to be able to touch and sometimes when you don’t do it, that’s where the criticism comes from,” he shared. “Sometimes I think the media is a little too hard on Mariah, but at the same time I think sometimes she has to pay attention to that and say ‘I’m going to be one hundred times more serious than I feel like being right now.’”

He adds:

“When you been in it [the music industry] this long, yeah, you wake up some mornings you don’t feel like putting your all into something and you feel like just because you got a name people are going to go with the flow. But the way the world is now, people got something to say about everything. You just have to be on your p’s and q’s at all times.”

As an example, he used Jay Z who flawlessly performed song off of old albums during his recent Tidal concert. According to Dupri, Jay performed all of his songs live without the help of a track.

In 2014, Carey dropped Dupri as her manager less than a year after hiring him.

What are your thoughts on his comments?

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