It’s Okay To Be Proud You’re A Work-From-Home Mom

Welcome to our Mommy Mogul column where we cover issues of importance for moms who are launching a new business, working a side gig, or managing work life and home life. Is there a topic you’d like us to address? Send your thoughts to And, as always, take to the comments with your feedback.



Can I be honest? There are times when I don’t feel like I’m doing enough with my career. I love being a self-employed mommy who can work from home. I can save money on childcare and experience the best of both worlds, being a working and stay-at-home mom.

As silly as it sounds, I sometimes feel a little intimidated when I attend networking events, especially when the “what do you do” question comes. Sure you can spout off the title on your business card, but to me, it’s a little different than an executive with a corner office.

There are so many fabulous people with really fancy job titles!

All intimidation aside, I’m so thankful to be in the company of women making power moves and setting the course for success, regardless of who they work for and where.

While I don’t have as many mom entrepreneur or work-from-home friends, we all talk from time to time sharing stories and frustrations. At the end of the day, we should all be proud of our endeavors and embrace them wholeheartedly. Sure we might call an extra room in our home — or the kitchen table — our office, but who really cares? We’re the captains of our own ship and navigating self-employment waters to make our own success.

Working from home, let alone yourself isn’t easy. It’s not as glamorous as it is on television where you’re sleeping late, or heading out to a spa in the middle of the afternoon just because. In many cases, you can’t afford a rental space for an office, or don’t want to as it takes money out of your pocket. Yet, I sometimes feel like the work many of us do is watered down, almost to the point of being a hobby on our downtime between folding laundry and taking our kids to school.

Just because the hustle looks different doesn’t mean it’s not a hustle.

For me, working from home full time hasn’t been a walk in the park. My journey began as a part-time entrepreneur until I was self-sufficient enough to let go of safety nets. This of course didn’t happen overnight and took years of hard work and dedication. Throw two kids under age two into the mix and finishing the day with your sanity becomes a major accomplishment. Needless to say my office stories can be pretty boring compared to others who work for major companies.

Even if society doesn’t think our job titles and what we do are worthy of mention, we don’t need their validation. Entrepreneurs and the movers-and-shakers don’t always look alike. We all have different goals and how we go about tackling our dreams. A work-from-home mother can accomplish so much and conquer her industry in the same manner as someone at a traditional 9-to-5.

It’s okay to pat yourself on the back from time to time.