When hip-hop was golden, R&B was smooth, and overalls were cool (eek!), there was Crystal Pepsi. PepsiCo is hinting at bringing back the 1990’s-era translucent cola, Advertising Age reports.
The first Crystal Pepsi debuted in 1992, but it only stayed on shelves for just a year or two. Since then, loyal fans have lobbied to bring the clear soda back on the market. One of those fans is competitive eating star Kevin Strahle,who goes by “L.A. Beast” on Twitter. Strahle pleaded for the return of Crystal Pepsi with the hashtag #BringBackCrystalPepsi and received an unexpected reply on Tuesday:
“Dear Mr. Beast,” a PepsiCo message sent to Strahle said. “We’ve had customers ask us to bring back their favorite products before, but never with your level of enthusiasm and humor…We definitely hear you and your followers and we think you’ll be happy with what’s in store. Stay tuned.”
A PepsiCo spokesperson confirmed the validity of the message, but declined to disclose more information about the supposed revival of the clear cola.
Crystal Pepsi, according to The Motley Fool, could be exactly what PepsiCo needs as it battles the public’s disinterest in carbonated drinks. “Consumption of sugary soft drinks has been falling for years, and the decline has intensified lately for diet carbonated beverages,” the site says. “Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are well diversified in nonsoda beverage lines, but bringing back retired soft drinks is a no-brainer opportunity to create incremental sales and possibly reverse the negative overall trend.”
Back in the 1990’s, Crystal Pepsi grew stale, despite the $40 million ad campaign, because consumers grew tired of the clear soda hoopla. But today is a different era.
This isn’t the first time PepsiCo brought back an oldie. Last year, PepsiCo brought back Surge, a 1990’s era citrus-flavored soda, which was available for sale on Amazon.com.