This Week On Café Mocha Radio: Black Men & Depression

Ask Dr ReneeMay is Mental Health Month and with all the recent suicides in the Black community, Café Mocha has to address the issue of Black men and depression. Why is our community so ashamed to get help? We have a panel of young men willing to share their stories.

Plus Dr. Renee, host of ReachMD, a medical broadcast network for health professionals and our own MadameNoire bi-weekly columnist (Ask Dr. Renee), gives us her tips on getting healthy and answering the most important question: How do you know when it’s time to get help?

Did Y’all See the high school teen who graduate valedictorian with 26 university acceptance offers? Don’t miss the ladies of MadameNoire recap the week’s buzziest news on Did Y’all See on Café Mocha Radio this weekend and on the MN YouTube page.

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Visit Café Mocha Radio for air times around the country and on SiriusXM Channel 141. #CMR #CafeMocha