In a recent interview with Cosmopolitan, rapper Nicki Minaj stated,
“I demand that I climax. I think women should demand that. I have a friend who’s never had an orgasm in her life. In her life! That hurts my heart. It’s cuckoo to me. We always have orgasm interventions where we, like, show her how to do stuff. We’ll straddle each other, saying, ‘You gotta get on him like that and do it like this.’ She says she’s a pleaser. I’m a pleaser, but it’s fifty-fifty.”
Now, I know, most women reading this are cheering and applauding Nicki. Why shouldn’t be climax every single time? Nine times out of 10, our partner will. However, I know some are probably saying, “I’m a pleaser, I don’t have to go every time.” And, let’s not even discuss some of the women that have never had one.
So, Let’s discuss it. Should one of your requirements be to climax every single time?