Dear Damon,
I have been in a relationship with and Indian/Muslim man for three years, this month. We’ve been engaged for about a year and a half. His family says they will cut him off if we marry. I’ve spoken to his sister and met his best friend. Now, he’s going to the army so he can get his green card and have no worries about money if his family cuts him off. My question is, do I stay? I love him very much and we’re always together, outings, vacations. He was also there with my everyday of my surgery. I just want your opinion. What do you think? Is this a bad omen going into a new marriage?
– Am I Tripping?
Dear Am I Tripping,
So, this guy is so committed to you that he…
1. Proposed to you
2. Is preparing to spend the rest of his life with you, even if this means cutting off his family
3. Is practical about what might happen if his family cuts him off, so took proactive steps to make sure he’ll be able to make a living in America
4. Supported you through your surgery
…and you’re asking if this is a bad omen? Is this a trick question? Am I being punked or something? If so, good job. You got me. If not, well, let me say this. There’s a difference being saying “You’re the most important person in my life”…and proving it. This man is proving it.
Damon Young
Pittsburgh native Damon Young (aka “The Champ”) is the co-founder of the ridiculously popular Their first book “Your Degrees Won’t Keep You Warm At Night: The Very Smart Brothas Guide To Dating, Mating and Fighting Crime” is available at