Dress Like a Presidential Candidate! Hillary Clinton’s Pantsuit Tee Is Now For Sale

Clinton chic! Hillary Clinton’s “Everyday Pantsuit Tee” is all the rage, People StyleWatch reports.

The 2016 presidential candidate just launched an official online store that sells merchandise such as bumper stickers, drinking glasses, throw pillows, and more. But nothing is more Hillary-esque than that Everyday Pantsuit Tee, priced at $30, that mirrors Clinton’s signature pantsuit style.

According to Quartz, it shows that Clinton’s got a bit of “self-referential humor.”

“It […] acknowledges that the candidate’s physical appearance plays a part in her candidacy, a fact that causes much hand-wringing for feminists who acknowledge the power of fashion,” Quartz wrote.

And it’s clear that pantsuits are the secret behind female political prowess. Look at Condeleeza Rice who, according to The Hollywood Reporter, was known for “pearls and properly academic tailored suits.” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is another one — she took her oath as the first female Speaker of the House wearing a monochromatic pantsuit.

But Clinton is the aficionado of pantsuits, which the Hollywood Reporter says are perfected by her longtime suit designer, Susanna Chung Forest, in Beverly Hills.

Sewn with a bit of humor, the presidential nominee is giving her supporters the opportunity to steal a little bit of her Clinton chic — kind of. The red “Everday Pantsuit Tee” has a printed outline of a suit jacket adorned with an “H” pin. On the back, the tagline “Pantsuit Up” is printed. Unfortunately, the site says, “pantsuit bottoms not included.”

If this seems a little too “left” for you, perhaps Rand Paul’s merchandise may feel a bit more “right.” The Republican nominee also opened up an online site. One of his t-shirts declares, “The NSA knows I bought this Rand Paul t-shirt.” There is even a section of merchandise that is dedicated to mocking Clinton with a $20.16 poster stating, “Liberty not Hillary.”

What are you feeling? Clinton Chic or Paul Polished?