“Preachers of L.A.” is such an interesting show. With strong personalities and questions about whether or not these men are representing God properly on the show, the show is either loved or hated by viewers. Each of the men is quite interesting and while we know no one is perfect, Deitrick Haddon’s past has a bit of dirt on it.
You know the story. There’s a discrepancy about whether or not he cheated on his first wife but he does have children who were born out of wedlock.
But Haddon said as a former preacher’s kid, he’s not trying to live up to anyone’s expectations anymore.
He told Centric, “I’m solid. I’m sure about myself. I don’t need validation from people. I’ve got God. I’ve got my focus. I’ve got my babies, my wife, and I’m good.”
Haddon has never been shy about his shortcomings and exposed all of this on season 1 of the show.
But it wasn’t without a purpose.
Haddon said, “I hope that my story can help people know there is life beyond your mistakes. We all mess up at some point. You can’t expect to live 80 years or 90 years or 70 years on the palest and you don’t make a mistake. That’s not even realistic. You’re going to make a mistake. You’re going to mess up real bad. Keep moving… Learn from your mistakes. It’s not how you fall; it’s how you get up.”
Now that Deitrick has gotten up, he has a new perspective on life.
“I feel like God has given me a second chance at marriage, at life and at ministry. So, now I’m determined to do it my way…Do it God’s way, but do it with my style. I’m doing it God’s way, but with Deitrick Haddon’s style.”
I guess the question is does the broadcasting of such mistakes make people understand God’s forgiveness or does it affirm the belief that ‘church folk” are no better than people “in the world”? I guess it’s a matter of perspective.
Take a look at a couple of clips from the interview below and let us know what you think about Deitrick’s comments.