Months ago, we learned that the cast of “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta” threw down at the reunion taping. It was a full out brawl with Joseline attacking Tammy, Althea and Mimi.
A source close to the show, who wanted to remain anonymous, told our sister site Bossip that the reason Joseline was so hell bent on attacking her cast members was because she was under the influence at the time.
This certainly isn’t the first time we’ve heard claims or seen evidence suggesting that Joseline is using. Her “husband” Stevie J, even tested positive for cocaine when he was arrested for back child support.
But at this point people are starting to worry about Joseline’s safety as well as the safety of those around her.
The source told Bossip bluntly, “They need to send her a$$ to rehab! Having her film anything else says to Tammy, Althea and Mimi that it’s okay for her to put hands on them. She doesn’t get to act up just because she’s been tootin’”
The source said she’s watched Joseline get high on several occasions but doesn’t know whether or not she’s done so on the set of “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if she called her connect to get high right before shooting scenes, but that set is closed once the cameras start rolling and no one can come on set.”
The source said that Joseline is not only a threat to herself but to Stevie as well.
“I’m definitely concerned she might take it too far and kill him. Not necessarily on purpose, but Joseline is uncontrollable when she’s high. Who knows what might trigger her to pick up a weapon and use it.”
The source partially blames “Love and Hip Hop” creator Mona Scott Young, who reportedly knows about Joseline’s habit.
In fact, the source claims that Mona has created a monster.
“She needs help and if Mona wanted to do the decent thing she would require her to go to rehab before doing any more filming. Mona created that monster.”
This isn’t an unusual suggestion. Tammy suggested that she wouldn’t be taking part in this show until they started requiring drug tests.
Mona always says their show doesn’t promote violence but that certainly hasn’t been the case in the past. And if the reunion is going to be as bad as the rumors suggest it’s still not true.
But the question is, should Mona require or ask Joseline to take a drug test? Does Mona allowing her to keep working on the show pose a danger to the cast members or somehow suggest that Mona condones the crazy behavior because it increases ratings?
At this point, I can’t think of a reason why she shouldn’t.